With Presidents’ Day on Monday, some of you might be looking for some pictionary words to celebrate the presidents of the United States of America, especially George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. So I’ve got something for you! This isn’t a list of words per se, but actually more of a timeline of events that have to do with American presidents (Washington, Lincoln, and a few notable others). My husband and I have played timeline pictionary before, and it was actually a lot of fun. Kind of like song pictionary, you have to be creative and think outside the box. It becomes a game of creativity and, all right, raw drawing skill, more than speed. And I like that. 🙂
So here’s what you do: download this printable list, cut along the lines, and then take turns drawing strips of paper. Each slip contains a historical event, like “Abraham Lincoln was born (1809).” Then do your best to illustrate the event and get your team to guess! I’d modify the rules of pictionary a little for this and not require guessers to say exactly what’s written on the paper word-for-word; just a “Abraham Lincoln’s birthday!” or even “Abraham Lincoln as a baby!” might do. However flexible you want to be. You also might want to lengthen or do away with the time limit. And be creative! For the Abraham Lincoln one, for example, I might draw a log cabin, a woman in a bonnet and dress, and a cradle with a baby, maybe even one wearing an Honest Abe top hat. Maybe you could even try this list with charades (but let me know how it goes, because I haven’t tried it yet).
And if you want to brush up on your historical facts, too, maybe you could offer bonus points to the person who names not only the event but the year. 🙂
So Happy Presidents’ Day! I hope you enjoy your Presidents’ Day pictionary and your day off!