Categories list
Here’s a list of categories you can use to play a number of games that involve thinking of as many items in a category as you can. Examples of categories include things that are red, types of fast food, or things that melt.
Sing a song
A couple of variations of song guessing games, where players take turns thinking of songs or words in songs and getting other players to guess, either by saying the song or singing it one note at a time. Very flexible activities that can be a lot of fun.
How many miles?
A guessing game for long road trips. Anyone can play, and it’s a good way to keep track of how far away your destination is. It’s also a game that you can play in the background of the whole trip; it doesn’t take up too much time or concentration so you can have other things going on, too.
Hide and seek
Next to tag, hide and seek is probably one of the most basic kid games out there. It can be played indoors or outdoors and is easily adaptable for lots of ages and playing areas.
Going on a picnic
A talking, guessing game, good for younger kids and older kids, too. It’s a good game for thinking and creativity, too, and for killing time on long road trips.