The monster game
A drawing game where different players draw different parts of a monster, creating a silly masterpiece…er, monsterpiece!
Rock-paper-scissors is an easy, fast game that everyone probably already knows. But I like to be comprehensive, so here are some rock-paper-scissors instructions, including a video and a link to some interesting tips at how to win.
Build a cabin in your mind
An imagining game where players talk out loud, describing a dream cabin or house. It’s best for a small group of players and is ideal for playing on long car rides.
Monkey in the middle
Monkey in the middle is a throwing and catching game for a small group. Players try to keep the ball away from one player, the “monkey.”
Walk on the ceiling
This is a game, or really more of an activity, to play around the house. It’s ideal for one to two players, really entertaining for little children, a new favorite of my four-year-old, and the reason my handheld mirror is broken.