White elephant gift exchange
A gift exchange activity, usually played at Christmas parties, where guests bring gifts and, through a series of complex rules, exchange them. Lots of laughs are usually involved. Be advised, it’s also a better game for teens or adults than kids, because, yes, some people are bound to end up with better gifts than others, and adults are less likely to cry and throw fits when that happens. 😉
Telephone charades
A kind of silly acting game where, like in the game of telephone, the actions change more and more each time you act out the clue.
Sing a song
A couple of variations of song guessing games, where players take turns thinking of songs or words in songs and getting other players to guess, either by saying the song or singing it one note at a time. Very flexible activities that can be a lot of fun.
How many miles?
A guessing game for long road trips. Anyone can play, and it’s a good way to keep track of how far away your destination is. It’s also a game that you can play in the background of the whole trip; it doesn’t take up too much time or concentration so you can have other things going on, too.
Draw your dream house
This is more of an activity than a game. You just draw your dream house, usually as fun and complex as you can imagine. We’re talking home theaters, indoor swimming pools, pet manatees…just draw the dream home you always wanted! A great activity for kids and for encouraging imagination.